Conquer your thoughts, habits and actions to create POSITIVITY, MOTIVATION & MASSIVE RESULTS in just 30 days!

During this free challenge, you will learn how to:

Master Your Thoughts

Experts estimate that humans have up to 80,000 thoughts per day! Train your brain to channel positivity and productivity, kicking those negative thoughts to the curb.

Master Your Habits

Do you meditate? Get 8 hours of sleep? Exercise regularly? Harness the habits of the most successful people on the planet and watch your success increase exponentially.

Master Your Actions

Actions speak volumes, so what are your current actions saying about your state of mind? Learn to motivate yourself towards life-changing, positive action in just 30 days.

Master Your Reactions

Feeling reactive in these stressful times? You're not alone! Learn to channel your inner strength to insulate yourself from others' negativity, chaos and pain. 

"Kelly has given me a belief in myself, clarity around my purpose, and weekly accountability with concrete tasks. I went from defeated and stuck to energized, hopeful and confident in only a few weeks!"

Loukia M.
1:1 Coaching Client

"Kelly is a genuinely caring badass professional coach with the vision to see opportunities and possibilities where I could not. Anyone who wants a heartfelt path to a better version of themselves needs to work with her!"

Jennifer V.
Group Coaching Client

Meet Your Guide

Performance Coach Kelly Cochran is a professional motivator who empowers women to fearlessly pursue a life of unlimited potential by focusing on the 3 M's: Mindset, Motivation & Marketing.

Affectionately known by friends and fans as the "Loud Blonde," Kelly was recently named a Female Trailblazer by SDVoyager Magazine and awarded the Top 20 On The Rise Winner for Marketing.

Kelly’s first book, LOUD: Silence Your Critics & Turn Up the Volume on Your Life, launched as a #1 Amazon Best Seller in late 2019.

Today, Kelly is a sought-after speaker and facilitator, teaching individuals and groups how to hone their strengths and take massive intentional action toward purposeful goals.

Join the Free 30-Day Challenge

Master Your Mindset

Create positive habits, conquer negative thoughts, and create massive motivation in just 30 days!
