Stop Making Excuses. Hire Someone Who Will Help You Get It Done.

You don't need a "life" coach. You need an accountability partner who will give you a detailed action plan designed to move you from stuck to stupendous.

Empowering doers through marketing, mindset & motivation.

Ever tried to teach yourself a new skill by watching YouTube videos, just to realize you don't have the time or know-how to figure it all out on your own?

Yah, I've been there.

That's why, when I started my business, I decided that I wanted to work one-on-one with driven, Type-A women just like me. Women who are looking to build a fulfilling life of passion and purpose, who just need a guiding hand from someone who is further along down the road. 

Many of my clients first come to me for marketing strategy, which I love to provide! With more than 17 years in the digital marketing arena, I can help optimize your business and brand for ultimate conversion.

But, what I find is that it isn't just lack of marketing know-how that is holding most women back from building the dream business and life they desire. It's also a lack of positive mindset and action-inspiring motivation that is missing from their lives.

And that's where one-on-one coaching becomes invaluable!


High Performance Coaching

How would it feel to finally take the action you've been dreaming about, waking up every morning inspired and energized to go to work? What if you could gain crystal clarity on your life's purpose, and finally go after it with gusto? What would it feel like to take your business from floundering to flourishing in just a few months?


The Loud Life Program

If you're ready to take your business (and life!) to the next level, we should work together! My one-on-one coaching includes:

  • 90-minute initial planning session
  • (3) 60-min strategy calls per month
  • Mid-week accountability check-ins 
  • Unlimited support via email & text
  • Lifetime access to Loud Life Coaching Group
  • Welcome gift

Investment: Minimum 6-month commitment


Power Hour Call

Do you have a burning marketing question, and could use some expert help? An hour-long strategy session is perfect for the woman looking to launch a new product, interview for a new position, or prepare for an important presentation.

A Power Hour session includes:

  • Pre-call questionnaire to uncover current strengths & obstacles
  • (1) 60-minute call with Kelly Cochran
  • Follow-up strategy worksheet, broken down into a phased approach for easy implementation

80% Complete

Wondering if one-on-one coaching is right for you?

If you're feeling stuck or unsure of your next business move, let's hop on a quick call and get you clarity on the #1 thing that could create a massive shift in your life.