Best-Selling Author Left Corporate America to Chase Her Dreams

Now she is encouraging you to do the same.

Female Trailblazer

I was recently featured in SDVoyager Magazine as part of The Trailblazers: Rewriting the Narrative series. This series highlights and celebrates women who are acting as female role models, mentors, business partners, and friends within their community.


Featured Podcasts

I love talking about marketing, mindset, and motivation for current and aspiring entrepreneurs. Check out some recent podcast interviews below.

Stoked on Entrepreneurship

Amelia Travis and I get deep on this episode, uncovering the ugly truths behind being your own boss, fighting imposter syndrome, and staying positive as a solopreneur.


Aligning Your Brand

On this episode, I talk to hosts Stephanie and Kristen about the difference between time and financial freedom, plus what it takes to truly thrive as your own boss.


Breaking the Glass Ceiling

In this episode of Rebelpreneur Radio, I chat with host Ralph Brogden about the struggles of being a working woman, and how toĀ shatter the glass ceiling.


Owning Your Loudest Asset

Take a listen as Julie Reisler and I discuss what it means to be a unicorn in a world of horses, and how to stop being "too busy" to live an inspired life.


"Kelly was such an awesome guest on The Morning Light Show. Truly, it was one of my favorite conversations. She's articulate, insightful and funny. Her wisdom shines through her no-nonsense yet heart-centered way of being. If she hasn't been on your show yet, be sure to have her!"

Adair Cates
The Morning Light Show

"Kelly Cochran was an incredible guest on my show because of her amazing energy, vulnerability, authenticity, and deep wisdom on how to draw outside of the lines in life. To go loud, or go home. This was one of my most popular interviews on You-est You, and there's no doubt that Kelly, and her book, and her loud and proud words, will add awesome value to your podcast or show!"

Julie Reisler
The You-est You Podcast

"Kelly is an amazing podcast guest! Her candid honesty connects her real life stories with profound lessons and learnings that can change your listeners' lives. AND, she's funny as heck!"

Stephanie Wankel
Frenzied to Financial Freedom

"Kelly was so much fun to interview on my podcast! She brings the energy with real-life stories that no one likes to talk about, but secretly they're begging to hear. Maybe we can do a Dropout follow-up because I'd love to have her on again."

Lauren Allen
Corporate School Dropout

"It was a delight to have Kelly as a guest on the 5 Minute Success podcast where she shared Secrets of a Top Brand Boss. True inspiration and insights that transforms business and lives! Kelly is high energy and adds a ton of value."

Karen Briscoe
5-Minute Success Podcast

Empower your audience!

I absolutely love inspiring audiences through podcasting & live television appearances. Here are some of my favorite things to talk about:

  • MARKETING: SEO, eCommerce, web design, launching an online business & building a loyal brand

  • MINDSET: How to conquer imposter syndrome, how to go from a corporate job to being your own boss, how to be less busy and more productive
  • MOTIVATION: How to conquer fear, how to gain confidence, how to harness your strengths, how to turn your passions into a viable business, how to take massive action towards your goals

Book Me On Your Show

Tell me about your podcast or program, and how I can help inspire or teach your audience.


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Book Kelly to inspire & empower your audience!

Tell me a little bit more about your event, podcast, or show, and how you think I'd be a good fit for your audience.